Well, I didn’t win, but I really feel very strongly that the guy who *did* win really really *deserved* to, so I’m not crushed. I did, incidentally, get 110 out of the possible 120 points, so that’s not too damned shabby, is it? *grin* Off to hobnob more!
Category: Uncategorized
bundle of nerves
Bundle of nerves, bundle of nerves. I’ve gone to some utterly fantastic seminars today, and at 3:10 I had a meeting with Winifred Halsey, which, from about 1pm on, I got progressively more nervous about, up until the point I was standing outside the conference room door, at which time I more or less calmed down. ‘More or less’ means my hands are icy cold and the M&Ms I’m now popping like they’re crack cocaine are hard to pick up because I’m trembling, but right now I’m writing to psyche…
quick post
Quick mid-day update. Went to a positively *fascinating* seminar about using emotion in writing, spent a significant part of the hour thinking, “Boy, I really need to go back and work on that in MD,” then went to lunch with Karen Duvall and Margie Lawson (who was the delightful woman whom Anne Tupler introduced me to last night, and who also gave the seminar on emotion, and met M… damn, I’ve done it again. I want to say Marcie but I’m not sure that’s right. Anyway! Met one of the…
con writeup, long!
Ah hah! Web access! This is going to be a Very Long Post. :) RMFW Con Report, 9.12.02 Taking a break from con stuff to ice my poor stiff back, which really very much does *not* appreciate the whole hours-on-airplane/hours-in-panels treatment it’s getting. So! I got on a redeye flight that was packed absolutely full and failed to sleep at all, which is very sad indeed. I kept my eyes closed pretty much the whole plane ride, but I don’t think I slept more than 15 minutes; 3 hours is…
off to colorado
Well, I’m off to Coloradoin a few hours. I imagine I’ll be able to find a place somewhere that I can check email, but I can’t figure out how to set Netscape up to check my mizkit account, so if anyone wants to actually send me any email over the next few days, please use my mizkit@hotmail.com account. All thoughts and wishes of good luck will be greatly appreciated. I’ll try to post from the con. If I can’t, well, see you Monday!