md research & stuff

One of the useful things about knowing actual scientists is that they can tell you if other actual scientists are going to laugh at your science in your … boy, I forgot I was posting this. In your SF novel. Anyway.


On other topics, Garrett has some strange links to some strange things called SoulBonders, which, as far as I can tell, are writers desperately in need of justification for having voices in their heads. I have a very hard time grokking the need for justification. Perhaps this is one of the inevitable problems of being the center of the universe. :) Chantico has taken to crapping on the kitchen floor again. I don’t know why. She’s now relegated to her kennel again unless somebody’s actively watching her. :( Oh, I…

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Went to Triple X last night. Pretty good, in a silly explosions movie sort of way. Vin Diesel’s … really … got a great voice. o.O I mean, I donno. He’s not exactly attractive, but he’s kinda cute anyway. :) Anyway, it was a fun movie. :) Uh. No brain. Should clean up the kitty crap *sigh* and then have breakfast. Yes. this is my plan.


Salat has some truly magnificent aurora photography. This morning at about 10 after 9, the phone rang, and Emily’s friend Scott and I had an extremely weird conversation. I wasn’t awake, and the phone is right next to the fan in the room, so not only was I not awake, but I was having a hard time hearing him, and I couldn’t really remember for *sure* if Shanks was his last name anyway, and *he* didn’t know who he was calling, but kept saying, “You called me twice yesterday,”…

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busy busy

Ok, so thus far today I’ve gotten up at 5:40am, picked a gallon of raspberries (Dad and Emily also each picked a gallon of raspberries; we have ALL the raspberries!), come home, eaten, walked the dog, showered, yelled at the kitten, and now I’m going to go get my eyes checked and order some new contacts and go to the library to see if I can delve into MD again. Vroom!