locked out

I went for a 13 and something mile bike ride last night, got home, saw that Ted wasn’t home, put my bike in the garage, efficiently locked the garage door (which I usually forget to do) and then discovered the front door was locked. I did not, of course, have my keys. Back door was locked, too. I went over to the elementary school next door and swung on the swingsets for a while. Then I wandered back home and scritched a friendly neighborhood kitty for a while. Then I…

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oh yeah

remind me to call the university tomorrow to see what the deal is and why i can’t log into the wolfline with my id, ’cause i need to register for my class or two this fall!

hot hot hot

It’s hot hot hot out. Not that I should be complaining, since all my California friends are melting in hundred degree heat, but it’s darned hot here anyway! And actually, I’m not complaining, ’cause it’s goooooorgeous. Just hot! I took hamburger out for dinner, but I’m thinking maybe we should find something that doesn’t require cooking to eat. :) Hungry. Drinking enough water to make me pee every 20 minutes, but hungry none-the-less. A smattering of chocolate chips was yummy and sassisfied the sweet tooth, and even took an edge…

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Well, I had grand plans to leap out of bed this morning, but that was before Ted’s alarm inexplicably went off at midnight. o.O I was *just* about asleep and I was very very confused by it! Veeeery strange. :) I *must* change the kitty litter this morning. Do not let me forget. Stinky, blah.

yay biking!

I biked! 16 miles in about 80 minutes, go me. I forgot to say I biked on Monday, too. :) Maybe gaming starting Friday! Yay!