
… cat drinking my water from my waterglass. siiiiiiiiigh.

fuzz fuzz

Jai thinks that if I bleached the tweaky bit of my bangs that falls away from the rest of them, that’d be pretty cute, with this haircut, and I think she’s probably right. But in an attempt to not melt my hair, I don’t think I’ll do that just yet. :) Jai came over for lunch today! Which is to say, Jai came over to pick up Tori’s dress and I lectured her on the X-Men. *laugh* Oh, and then I confused her because most of my friends have two…

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Drat. I over-spun the ice cream, so it got kinda melty and crystalline. It tastes fine, but the texture won’t be nearly as nice. I should set the clocks in the house to actually having the same time. Oop. I should go switch laundry around, too!


It is 8:13 and I have thus far accomplished 1. getting up 2. getting showered 3. starting laundry 4. starting ice cream 5. getting *more* laundry downstairs so I could do another load when the first one is finished 6. reading my blogs and comics for the day. 7. *not* eating a doughnut for breakfast 8. drinking 2 cups of water Not bad. :) I am, however, disappointed to note that despite going to the gym yesterday morning, I have not miraculously lost twenty pounds overnight. What a rip-off. :)…

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Sharbat Gula

Sharbat Gula. That’s the name of the the Afghan girl who was on the cover of National Geographic seventeen years ago. That photograph, NG has said, is the one that more people than any other have written in to ask about: do they know her name? Do they know what happened to her? Did she survive? Now we know. She survived; she has three daughters of her own. She’s . . . My God. She’s alive. That simple fact makes me want to cry. I didn’t realize how much I…

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