
I took a photo of myself this morning for no particular reason. I need to get some real lens-cleaner so that my digital camera stops taking photos in soft focus. :P AUGH. Janne got laid off this morning. AUGH. :(


Wow! Lookit what I can do! Kit predicts time of labour


*gasp* My booklist has *failed* me! I read Signal to Noise and A Signal Shattered (by Eric Nylund) this afternoon; the latter, I’d intended to read, but when I picked it up, it turned out to be the sequel to the former, and I only very, very vaguely recalled the former, so I went to re-read the former. And I was telling Sarah how awful and turrible this was (poor me, *forced* to reread books!) and I went to look to see how long ago it had been since I’d…

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Doh! I posted and forgot to write down my yards swum. Doh! Like I said, it was a lazy swim, but I did do a timed 500, which I did in 8:35, 10 seconds off Friday’s swim, so I’m reasonably pleased with that. I’m aiming for 8 minutes. And then, y’know, seven after that, but let’s get to 8, first. swam: 2000 yards

busy day

I actually managed to go swimming this morning, thanks mostly to Ted, who said, at 9:20, “Are you going swimming?” So I got up and went swimming. It wasn’t a very *enthusiastic* swim, but at least I went. And then we went shopping and bought yet another bookcase, and I came home and cleaned the bedroom. This is a monumental task. It’s also not quite finished, but it’s a lot better than it was. There are now 2 more bookcases up there than there were, and 2 more dresser-drawer things,…

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