I’m sure there’s a good reason not to have Pop Tarts for lunch. I’m sure of it. *tries to think of it*
Category: Uncategorized
Seattlites: A research question!
Seattle people: Is it possible to go to the SkyCity restaurant in the Space Needle without buying the touristy elevator ride ticket to get up there? I have no idea if there’s a restaurant-only elevator… I thank you in advance for your wisdom, O Internet. :)
What I have learned today
What I have learned today: I should just ask Ted do all my shopping for me. He is much, *much* more patient than I am, and does not get frustrated if he doesn’t find exactly the right item in the first three seconds of searching. (I have only once in my life had an ideal shopping experience. It involved going into the store, finding the exact pair of granny boots I wanted in my size the first try, and leaving, shoes purchased, within five minutes of entering.) Whether it is…
We’ve just had smashed chicken and boxed mac&cheese for dinner. It was incredibly, incredibly good. *loves on Lisa* I’m considering having pop tarts for dessert. Or making cookies with REAL chocolate chips. *loves on Lisa more* miles to Dunharrow: 111.8 ytd wordcount: 4400
Del Rey warned me Tuesday that proofs were on the way for PRETENDER’S CROWN and that they’re due back the 26th. I’m hoping they get here tomorrow, so I can hand them over to my parents and let them do the first couple rounds of proofing while I… …no, not work on TRUTHSEEKER, but instead do the line edits for WALKING DEAD that just turned up. I don’t have to have them back until February 2nd (some kind of record), but better to get them done sooner rather than later…