Marith made a comment yesterday about fish not noticing water, with regards to me and how much/what I do. I tend to think if I can do it, it must not be all that impressive, really, and that anybody can do it. I’ve been thinking about that the last couple days in the context of writing music. No, I haven’t begun writing music. I haven’t got the foggiest idea how, not music nor lyrics. Instead I boggle at how musicians can evoke emotion and tell stories in three minutes with…
Category: Uncategorized
eowyn challenge
I took myself on a walk this morning and reached Minas Tirith for the third time, thus completing the outward leg of the hobbits’ journeys there and back again. Next I’m backtracking (magic reset button, I don’t have to walk back) to Rauros Falls, and taking the trip from there to Isengard with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, a journey of 484 miles. This is good. I’ve been typing “miles to Minas Tirith” for nearly nine hundred miles now, and my fingers will be pleased (if confused) to get to type…
dude. i got nothin’.
ytd miles swum: 2 ytd wordcount: 215,700 miles to Minas Tirith: 514
Typing it old school
The first book I wrote, NO SONG BUT SILENCE (which I presume is terrible, and am afraid to look at), I wrote sitting at the end of my parents’ living room couch in Alaska, a word processor balanced precariously on the arm while I typed away. Sixteen years and sixteen novels later, I’m sitting at the end of my own living room couch in Ireland, a laptop computer balanced on precariously on the arm while I type away. The more things change, the more they stay the same. ytd wordcount:…
bits & bobs
Actual new words today! 1100 of them! Revising never feels much like new words, so I am triumphant in having achieved New Words. I am certain my old words were the wrong ones, so I hope these new ones are the right ones. :) I brought the list of things what need fixing over to the estate agent today, but it turns out that we also don’t know how to turn on the furnace/get hot water at the house, so I’m going to have to stop by again tomorrow, or…