I stayed very busy today, and yet managed to not actually do the one thing I really should have, which is the grant. I am intimidated by the grant. There’s no reason to be, particularly since Dad’s done most of the heavy lifting on it. But it intimidates me anyway, and so I did ALL KINDS of other work in order to avoid the grant. I cleaned the kitchen, walked 7 miles, played CoH for 10 minutes, answered/wrote a number of Chance emails, uploaded things, downloaded things, cleaned nearly 400…
Category: Uncategorized
I could really go for a foot massage. Instead I get, um, well, to work on a grant application. Not as much fun, I think, although if I get the grant it will put me in line for Big Lots Of Exhausting Fun. So I guess when I look at it that way it’s not bad. :) *eyes the CoH updater* Right. If I get busy, I can probably get the grant done before the updater’s finished applying the patch, which will then permit me to play Issue 12 without…
I have finished my Subterranean Press short story! Jeez, that was 3K that took. All. Day. Long. But it’s done, and it…didn’t turn out to be at all the kind of story I thought it was going to be. But I think I like it, and I’m pleased with having written it. That’s *two* short stories written in the last 6 months! Goodness gracious! Well. My goodness. I’m quite pleased! *does a happy dance* ytd wordcount: 205,400 miles to Minas Tirith: 441.3
all out of…
YAY the Phoenix landed safely! …that was totally not what I was going to write about, but more or less the first thing I do in the mornings is check out the APotD, and YAY the Phoenix landed safely! *beams* Right. Where was I. Last night I was observing to Deborah that I was all out of give-a-shit. She observed in return that actually, what was impressive was that I was all out of grim. I believe she nailed the actual problem there, and it seems that having had it…
staggering by…
I’ve read 9 books this month. That’s half again as many as I’d read this _year_ previous to May. I’m pretty sure I could happily stay on vacation through the end of June without having the slightest urge to go back to the keyboard to work. I keep looking at books on the TBR shelf that I’ve been looking forward to for years and putting off reading them yet because I *know* they’re going to be good, and I don’t want to commit myself to reading something _that good_ until…