The Dresden Files are going to be a comic book! Except that’s not even the REALLY COOL PART as far as I’m concerned, and while the REALLY COOL PART is contracted and all, Jim hasn’t quite released it yet, so AUGH STILL CANNOT TELL YOU THE MINDBLOWINGLYGOODNEWSFORAFRIEND! *dies in a pit* (But how cool is that for Jim? OMG. Dresden comic. OMG. SQUEE!)

it’s okay to not be a writer

A friend of mine–a guy who *can* write, in that he can put words and stories together in an interesting and compelling fashion–just came to a revelation: He’s not a writer. He knows a lot of writers, by which I mean people who are successfully pursuing writing as a professional career. I think it’s easy, particularly if you have any kind of talent or impulse at all for putting words down on paper, to watch friends who are doing this and think, “I could do that. I *should* be doing…

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The only thing better than stew: leftover stew, which has had a day to steep and blend and become that much more delicious. Ooh, you say longingly, how could such a meal be improved upon? Well, say I, take home-made biscuits drowned in butter and add Wexford honey so rich it’s nearly fermented, and enjoy. Aaah, you say enviously, now there’s a meal to be happy with. My agency, DMLA, has started a new web-presence thing in which they’ll be posting monthly ideas and suggestions and, uh, stuff. Check it…

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family peektures

Me fadder sent along these peektures, one of ourselves in Cork, and a couple of Seirid being a charming handsome fellow in his Fine New Cap:


Mind-blowingly good news has come through for a friend, and I am *completely* over the moon about it. I don’t know when it’s going to be announced officially, but I’m pretty damned certain most people on my flist are going to be just as excited as I am. *beams* I’m not so much going “neener neener” here as I am attempting to radiate good will and good cheer at the universe in general, in case anybody needs some to pick up on. *radiate radiate radiate* Went to the gym today.…

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