tired me

I have tickets to MA! Hooray! Pi-Con, here I come! I believe I have meals scheduled with , and , and and possibly , who claimed there would be sad faces if not. Between those and the panels, I’m going to have to stay up all night to talk to and meet *new* people! I also got some writing done today, though I didn’t get to page 100. Only to page … 82, I think. Well, still, forward motion is good. And I went to the gym! Which I won’t…

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This is f-locked because I’m exasperated with the con I’m going to next week and I presume none of the eighty or ninety of you on the flist are the guy running it. I’m supposed to be Guest of Honor at Pi-Con next weekend. Eight days from now. And yet I don’t have plane tickets–which they’re supposed to be buying me–to the event. I emailed two weeks ago to say, “What’s up with tickets?” and they said they’d be buying them any minute now. Time went by. No tickets. So…

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Me: 1; World: 0

I actually went to the gym today. I think I got a good workout that won’t cripple me tomorrow, but we’ll see tomorrow, I guess. Inconvenient that I’m leaving Friday and will not realistically get back to the gym until Tuesday, and then will do exactly the same thing next weekend as well, but hey, at least I went. So did Ted! Yay for us! And I’ve gotten some work done on HANDS OF FLAME. I think I can salvage some of what I wrote earlier this year (where “salvage”…

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The Saga of the Groceries

So I’ve been ordering groceries online (which is hard. The online option doesn’t necessarily have the same choices as going to the store. I’m going to have to figure out what to do about that.) and had a delivery scheduled for last night. The truck showed up, and to the driver’s *huge* irritation, our order was not in it. So he told us who to call and I called and said, “Help! Our groceries are missing! We have no food!” And they said, “Uh, we’ll have a manager call you…

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daily life

Arright, I added the TQB scene this morning, and I quite like it, and it takes care of a loose end that I now won’t have to deal with in the second book. Since I’ve already got about fifteen characters whose stories need telling in PRETENDER’S CROWN, it’s something of a relief to have that particular bit wrapped up. Whew. :) And the book is 146K. I know I have friends who will mock my puny wordcount, but damn, that am a lot of book! Sunday evening I went over…

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