I forgot the BEST PART of Easter! We taught Breic and Seirid (mostly Breic) how to eat a chocolate bunny a la . :)
Category: Uncategorized
we’re back!
I remain embarrassingly weak in the face of Remy Zero’s “Somebody Save Me”, which apparently short-circuits any real brain function and cuts directly to the repository of Goopy Teenage Angst that lies in wait for that sort of thing. No doubt associating the song with Tom Welling helps that tendency. :) Easter was very nice. Seirid and Breic were pretty charming all weekend, though we did all get up before 7 both yesterday and today, which made for a quite sleepy me. I helped Seirid take a picture of Deirdre,…
Not much to say here. It continues to be gorgeous out and I don’t want to work. :) But I’m more than halfway through typing in the copy edits, which have caught some bits that I’d just lost control of from revising the book so many times. So that’s good. We’re heading up to Mom & Dad’s for the Easter weekend. Happy Easter, everybody! miles to Minas Tirith: 48
morning rituals
I’ve determined that sitting down to read my various web comics and journals and handful of news sites in the morning actually only takes about 30 minutes, even if I read everything links to and all his comments. Why, then, am I usually at the computer for over an hour in the morning? *turns the damned thing off and goes to work* eta: *returns, 3 minutes later, swearing, to turn the computer back on and get the files I need off it*
worky worky work
I’m a little more than halfway through the line edits on HEART OF STONE. They’re going pretty well, and to my genuine astonishment, I don’t hate the book anymore. Given that I could almost literally not look at it when I finished the last round of revisions, this is a very good thing indeed. There are a couple places where my editor’s cut out blocks of descriptive/explanatory stuff as being over the top, which I think is vaguely amusing, because I’m pretty sure I put them in because an editor…