I usually have to be on holiday to be away from the computer this much, yow. Incredibly busy fun weekend with Kate, then the past two days have been mostly at the new house cleaning carpets and things, omg. Mom and I are wrecked, but the house is looking much nicer. And this place was clean, for an Irish rental. All we have to do now is pack and move and unpack and organize and *dies in a pit just thinking about it* (Of critical importance: getting shrubbery or something…
Category: Uncategorized
well & truly birthday’d
I had a lovely birthday yesterday. Friends came over for our BBQ Housecooling Party, we ate lots, I was given lovely stuff (homemade marmalade! sugar scrub bath stuff! cheese!), I got my hair cut into a cut that I’m not certain I like any better than the previous one, and probably other good stuff I can’t remember right now. :) Happy slightly belated birthday to all my birthday twins: Esmerel, Silkblade, Novella, Fahri, Marilyn, Morgan, and Superman! :)
A quick look at Kickstarter novels
Matt Forbeck, who ran a couple Kickstarters last year, has done an in-depth analysis of gauging your chances of succeeding with a Kickstarter novel. If you’re at all interested in this kind of thing (as I obviously am), it’s pretty, er, interesting. :) I did a kind of mock “aw!” when I saw NO DOMINION hadn’t made it into his top ten list, although SPIRIT OF THE CENTURY, for which I shall shortly be writing a novel, did, so, y’know, that salved the pain. But wait, true believers! NO DOMINION…
Picoreview: The Great Gatsby
Picoreview: The Great Gatsby: It was all right. I didn’t go in with expectations of it being fantastic because reviews suggested it wasn’t. I thought it was better, perhaps, than many of the reviews did; I thought the cast, with the glaring exception of Tobey Maguire, were quite terrific. DiCaprio’s moments of fear and vulnerability where he thinks he might get found out are very nice, and he charms well when he’s supposed to. There’s one scene where he’s messing about and being youthful and joyous and looks like he’s…
Aw, Sherlock.
We watched an ENTIRE SEASON of TV this week! Because it was 2nd season Sherlock, which is only 3 episodes. :) The very end of The Reichenbach Fall, although I’d seen it quoted roughly a million times already, was still very effective. In fact, the whole episode was. Somehow I spent at least half of it with my knees pulled up and my hands over my mouth, despite obviously knowing how it was going to end. I will never be able to watch Cumberbatch as Sherlock again without thinking “Oh,…