
There is either a bug on the outside or a smear on the inside of the living room window. It’s driving the cats insane. They’re standing up on their back legs smacking at it and trying to get it. *laugh* They’re leaving little steamy kitty breath spots on the window. :) I read SONG OF UNMAKING last night. *happysigh* Want the next book now, please. :) I was about three chapters in when I said to Ted, “*Man*, she’s a good writer,” and then I didn’t say anything else for…

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a v. nice day

It has been, thus far, a v. nice day, and heck, I still have *hours* left in which to read another book. :) Ted and I walked down to Cobh to go to the post office and bank, though we were totally thwarted on the second part by the bank being closed when we got there (at 4:25. huh.). I did get some books put in the mail, though! And we stopped and had a piece of apple pie and cheesecake at one of the restaurants, ’cause dinner, which is…

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Watched four episodes of La Femme Nikita last night, and the writing/acting is getting considerably more solid as the show goes on. The last episode we watched had me in heart-palpitating nervous agonies over what would happen with the guest star and her relationship with Michael, so I’d say it’s all good. *happiness* *geeky happiness* :) I got out of bed this morning, pulled on a robe and some fuzzy socks, and bobbled downstairs to read Gail Dayton’s THE BARBED ROSE and Laura Resnick’s DISAPPEARING NIGHTLY. DISAPPEARING NIGHTLY was a…

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good news/bad news

The good news is, the book is done! 77.3K, and I’ll probably add a bit more when I do revisions. The bad news is, the duplexer on the new printer didn’t work all that well, and skipped a page around page 80, so by the time I got done printing the first half of the manuscript, it was pretty much all buggered up. So I ended up printing the second half single-sided, and the second quarter is going to suck a lot to edit bcause I’m going to have to…

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lj interests meme

Gacked from , but I proved too lazy to answer more than the first five. Maybe I’ll do the other ones later. Having been this lazy, I think it’s a sign it’s time to write, ’cause hey, if you’re too lazy to flick thoroughly… LJ Interests meme results biking:I like to bike. :) I’m trying to get up the nerve to bike in Ireland, where there are few sidewalks, no road shoulders, and a lot of crazy drivers. If I manage to develop the nerve, that’ll pretty much obliterate any…

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