I am flicking so very very hard this morning. I have spent an egregious amount of time making my work schedule pretty. *laugh* I have spent time adding up the numbers of what I’ve got planned, to see what kind of wordcount I’m talking about, and dividing those great big numbers by numbers of reasonably-expected working days to see how many words a day I have to write to achieve those great big numbers. I have made nice tidy columns of schedules. Working Schedules, which are called Actual Schedules because…
Category: Uncategorized
thank heavens
I’m a few words from finishing chapter 25, and it’s pretty clear to me that chapter 26 will be the last. Then the epilogue, and I’m done. I’ll be able to finish this tomorrow. I would like to take a moment to give thanks to whatever many-tentacled deity is listening. *collapses* It has not been a hard run, as far as books go. Part of it is the small amount of down time during the writing of the book. I did the proposal last year, but I’ve written everything else…
oh, sod it
I believe I’m coming to terms with my fate and accepting I’m not gonna write any more than 2200 words today. 2200 isn’t at all bad, but it’s not even a whole chapter, so that’s sort of a bother. But Ted and I went into Cork to try to deliver ‘s book, only she had the nerve to leave work early when I hadn’t, like, warned her we were coming or anything. Sheesh. Of all the thoughtless things… :) So since we were in Cork, Ted and I went to…
and the winnahs are…
, with her guess of 375 (1 off from my Ted-chosen number 376) and, oh, hey, , who lives nearby so I don’t even have to ship the book to her muahahahah ahem with 121, which was the closest to my me-chosen number of 128, are the lucky winners of signed copies of THUNDERBIRD FALLS. :) , if you’d be so good to email me your address (cemurphyauthor at gmail dot com), I’ll do my best to get my act together and send books! :) In the meantime, 2200ish words…
wikipedia meme
Gakked from and , among others. I think I’ve done this before, so I tried to pick ones I didn’t know about. :) Go to Wikipedia (http://www.wikipedia.org/). Type in your birth date (but not year). List three events that happened on your birthday. List two important birthdays and one interesting death. Post this in your journal. Events: 1495 – Friar John Cor records the first known batch of scotch whisky. 1533 – Henry VIII of England’s new wife, Anne Boleyn, is crowned as queen. 1909 – The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition world’s…