don juan triumphant

I have managed to create a hybrid of LJ design capabilities and my own site that I am, if not perfectly happy with, at least reasonably content with. There’s still some color fiddling to do, but that’s pretty nit-picky. At this point, the LJ and the main page will look alike, except the LJ is missing the photographer silhouette and the quote. It Will Do. This means tomorrow morning I’m going to switch my journal over to LJ. For those of you who read it at, this should be…

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farmer’s market & stuff

I went on a 4 mile round trip walk today to determine that the Cobh farmer’s market is not worth a 4 mile round trip walk. :) The middle two miles of walking were quite beautiful, though the first and last rained on me a lot. And I got home to discover stinking Zilli had gotten locked in the living room and took a dump on Ted’s fencing bag in retaliation. Goddamned cat. Inspired somewhat by Angie, I’m going to go spend an hour trying to get my livejournal embedded…

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50,611 words. ‘course, that means 400 more words and I’m at 51K, and that’s just a vicious cycle, but I’m stopping there because I’m in the middle of a conflict and it’ll be relatively easy to pick up again tomorrow. Plus I did 3500 words today, which is pretty good. 28K to go. I would *kill* for a 10K day, though it’d probably help if I’d get up before 9:30 in the morning if I want one. :) Hm. Ted has to get up early tomorrow (I think) to go…

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chance character sketches

I *could* post the last four pages of the roughs for Chance, but instead I’m going to torture you (or something) and post some character sketches instead. :) Mostly mask ideas, but I love the va-va-va-voom! Chance striding along there. The mask we ended up using is the second/third one on the second scan (I can’t remember if I posted this before, and I’m too lazy to go look). And this is Officer Darius Murkowski, who’s more than a little in love with Frankie Kemp, and who has kind of…

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My God. It is absolutely *dumping* rain out there. I hope Ted made it to the store before the rain started. I think he probably did. I hope he did. Eep! *fuss*! Wow, that’s a lot of rain. 5 seconds later, eta: Ted just called. He did get caught in the rain. Wah! Poor Ted! *fuss*! 20 minutes later, eta: He only got caught in the rain, not the absolute pissing rain. He said, when he got home, that he’d gone outside at the store and had said, “*That’s* what…

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