oh, mah hart

Rough page sketches from Ardian. He said, somewhat apologetically, “These are only roughs, the final pages will be much better.” *snort* I’m sure they will be, but wait til you see them. :) I _am_ working on a rewrite of the script, but I tell you, I’m at an utter loss as to which will work better. I’ve asked him not to do more than page roughs until I get at least the first five rewritten pages to him (tomorrow, with any luck), and I will also post the rewritten…

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wow. holy shit. i did it.

Wow. Holy shit. I did it. I just finished. 442 pages. *makes a vague attempt to figure out how many new words* Oh, hell, I don’t know. About 15,000. I ended up with not less than 4000 *more* words than I started out with, and I completely rewrote at least 3 chapters. Enough; it was enough. A week ago I did not want to turn this book in. Today I am satisfied enough with it to do so. This is an enormous relief. Finishing books–even revising them–is not exactly new…

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Ted is the BEST HUSBAND EVER. He just came home from Dublin with a laser printer for me. It does 28ppm. That’s more than 2x what my old one did. It’s apparently got a *duplexer*. That means using HALF the paper I usually do! YAY! And he *lugged* it all the way from the office supply shop to the train station and from the train station to home. My husband *loves* me. I love *him*! Best husband EVER! *squeeee*! Printer! My life can go on! Ok, so really what my…

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Dad took a zillion pictures of Cobh and the house we’ll be renting when he and Ted went down there yesterday. The peektures are here if you wanna look. 10 new pages or so written. Back to the grindstone.

cutting it close

About 60 pages left to do. A third to half of them need to be rewritten entirely. Whether I also need another chapter will depend on those rewrites. The book is due tomorrow. This, my friends, is called “cutting it closer than I’d like.” OTOH, I do have the advantage of being five hours ahead of NYC, so if necessary I can turn it in in the evening my time and still deliver it before close of business in the states. Thank God for editors who accept email submissions. :)…

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