
!!! I finaled in the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ contest again! This time with RIGHT ANGLES TO FAERYLAND! I’m all surprised! Wow! COOL! Of course, I can’t go to the conference this year, ’cause it’s the weekend of Laura’s wedding, but cool anyway! Eee! And argh! And eee! And wow! And stuff like that! Eee! Damn. I do wish I could go, because Angles is YA, and there are agents who’ll be there who rep YA, and so far as I can tell, it’s near impossible to break into the…

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Sent a submission off to Fantasy Flight Games to see if they want to hire me to write a novel or some novels for one of their gaming world lines. That would be cool. That’s about the only interesting thing today. :)

dwan’s fault

This is ‘s fault. Find out which Xena girl you are.

oh! oh!

Oh! Oh! We went to Freaky Friday last night! It was great! It made me laugh and laugh and laugh. Everybody should go see it! *beam* Then we came home and watched more Stargate and I made some cookies. I’d only seen about two season 1 Stargate episodes, but there’ve been a whole rash of them in season 2 that I’ve seen, about eight in a row now. V. strange. Shaun said, all hopefully, “When’s season 3 coming out?” and I said, “It’s already out, but if we get it…

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I think…

I think, she said tentatively, that my back is much improved today, having been popped a lot yesterday. Ted and I are working our way through Stargate season II quite steadily. Doom, though: Shaun borrowed the first season of 24 from a coworker, and from what I understand, once you start, you can’t stop, so we’re thinking of doing a 24 Marathon this weekend. Not much writing going on, though. Gotta get up tomorrow and do that.