Ok, no more kayaking until I’ve actually rebuilt some muscle strength. It seems I’ve been going around for the last almost-year in a sort of painless status-quo, but I haven’t improved my strength any, and kayaking made that painfully clear, emphasis on the painful. I went to the chiro this morning and had an exciting couple of minutes where I couldn’t stand up, when he was done with me. I was really, really afraid I was going to end up like I did last year, bed-ridden and in huge pain.…
Category: Uncategorized
ursula original
*beam* I have bought an Ursula original, The Tortoise at the Heart of the Mountain. It makes me want to write a story. *beam* Got up early, but not early enough to write. I did get bread started and clean the kitty litter, which is something. I need to make a chiro appointment, and, um. That’s about it so far this morning! :)
did themorning come too early?
SO tired. *laugh* It was an insane weekend, in a great way. I got up and wrote 1700 words on Saturday morning, and made bread. Dad called and asked if we wanted to go kayaking out on Eklutna Lake, so we did. We spent two hours out on the water, and my hands are still tired today. It was really really fun. :) We want to go out again soon, before 2pm, which is when we got there and apparently is when the wind kicks up. I took pictures! I’ll…
Achy knees. Tired me, in general, which is, I suppose, the price for getting up at 5:30. We went over to the University Center so I could get my stupid registration stuff taken care of, because they’re idiots on the phone, and it turns out they’re idiots in person, too, but eventually not only did I get registered (for a Spanish class) but also Ted got some stuff straightened out for /his/ classes this fall. Stupid stupid rat creatures. However, I was /not/ able to fill out a re-uppance for…
wah. :(
Borisjulie.com no longer sells prints of the covers of the Rogue: Icons miniseries (as shown here, here and here; if anybody knows where I can get copies of these, I’d really appreciate it. Not of the comics, I’ve got those, but actual prints of the paintings. Sigh.