I did diddly squat yesterday. I wrote 1600 words Thursday; that was something, anyway. Today I’ve made bread and a strawberry rhubarb pie and walked the dog. Now I’m going to go do more stuff. ytd wordcount: 156,850 miles to Rivendell: 144.25
Category: Uncategorized
Well, fnrt. I got email from Karen (the lady who’s running Writer’s Weekend) last night saying that one of my entries for the WW writing contest hadn’t arrived until yesterday. Since I sent it on about the 20th of June, and sent it priority, and the bloody contest closed July 1st, that’s a little annoying. That was the entry that had Angles and Urban Shaman in it. Feh. Oh well. She says she’ll see if she can get the editors to read them even if it’s much too late for…
Okay, I’d better update my webpage before my husband starts complaining that I never tell him what’s going on with my life anymore. :) Yesterday, I tried to go to lunch with my Mom and an old friend, Sam Perera, who was an exchange student from Sri Lanka at KCHS and whom I re-met in college. Mom came to get me, and we drove to where the directions said to drive. And the road ended. So we thought, “Um, well, maybe it’s the other direction.” So we drove the other…
I was almost certain…
…that I would come out as this kind of sword. :) You are a broadsword! you are double-edged andsharp. As swords go you are a happy medium.Long but not to long. Sharp but not enough tomake the blade weak. Strong but not overlyheavy. What kind of sword are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I bought Sophocles instead, after reading a review of Final Draft that said the user liked Sophocles better. I went and tried it out, and I liked it better too. Plus, it was half the cost of FD, so that’s a big plus. :) Biked 15.7 miles tonight. Veerrrry beautiful out. Also walked a mile with the dog, which was much too hot indeed. *pantpantpant* And wrote 2550 words. Go me! ytd wordcount: 154,050 miles to Mordor: 537.3 miles to Rivendell: 142