Well, I’ll be darned. Sarah and I both made it into the Viable Paradise writer’s workshop at Martha’s Vineyard at the end of September! In other news, Dad and I picked 10 cups of strawberries. :)
Category: Uncategorized
zippity doo dah
My oh my what a wonderful day– It’s absolutely beautiful day out. I meant to get up and take the dog for a walk, but Ted, to my surprise, got up as well and I wanted to talk to him before he went to work, so I didn’t walk. Yet. I may pop out for a break in a few minutes and go, because it’s just too damned beautiful out right now to waste it entirely inside. If I go for a short walk, I can be back within a…
v. busy weekend!
V. busy weekend! Thursday, I: was effective at work, read Harry Potter, went to T3 (two thumbs up!) Friday, I: got up at 8:30 and walked the dog, made 2 loaves of bread, made macaroni salad, made pancakes, went to Sinbad (two thumbs up!), finished reading Harry Potter, made bbq sauce, had ribs & corn on the cob & macaroni salad for dinner, made cookies, went to Mom & Dad’s with cookies, hung out, said goodbye to Deirdre and Gavin and Breic, hung out some more, eventually came home and…
Two people called me on the “I’m working from home today”; one called me a smartass and the other one wanted to know where I worked from *yesterday*. :) It has been a very long couple of days at work. However, I’ve managed to reduce everything to detail work, I think, and I have another 16 hours of HTML time (probably 24, if I need it) to work out the details, so … yeah. That’s something, anyway. Chanti and I went for a little walk this afternoon when my brain…
tech group
My entire tech group has emailed in today to say they’re working from home. I also emailed in to say I was working from home. Let’s see if they get it. :)