Ye gods. Spidey got a new scanner. Look what he scanned as a test and sent:
Category: Uncategorized
I bought 18 X2 tickets but was one-upped by the cashier next to mine who said she’d sold 55 at once. Snif. We checked, though: it wasn’t for the same show. Whew. :) Biked 13 miles. Wrote 330 words. Ate a free ice cream cone. Miles to Rivendell: Heather: 46.5 (almost to fifty! c’mon, Heather!) Catie: 85.5 Dave: 129.5 50K in 30 days: 1640 ytd wordcount: 124,630
happy geek :)
Evolution of a stripe: Stage one: pin everything but the bleachy bits back unattractively; Stage two: Walrus tusks: Stage three: wet head! and Stage four: Stripe! Happy geek. :)
evolution of a stripe
Evolution of a stripe: Stage one: pin everything but the bleachy bits back unattractively; Stage two: Walrus tusks: Stage three: wet head! and Stage four: Stripe! Happy geek. :) Oh yeah, and for my own personal further use: I used L’oreal Feria Extra Bleach Blonde for this.
Man. I *utterly* didn’t hear my alarm this morning. Ted said it went off and that I turned it off, but man. Going to re-do my bangs today. And, um. That’s all I know.