Weekend! We went up to Fairbanks to visit Ted’s parents, and to say g’bye to his brother, who is about to transfer overseas for his job, which is for um. The military PX but I forget what it’s called. Anyway, he’s a manager sort and he put in for an overseas job and now he’s going! So we thought we’d go see him before he left. :) It was a very very quiet weekend. I watched a couple of movies (Die Hard, Ocean’s 11) and read 5 books. So that…
Category: Uncategorized
Wow. Wow, wow, wow. Forget the flying cars: *this* is the future! Link via Trip.
dear amazon
Dear Amazon: I am returning this product. Reason: cat is defective. Lacks tail.
desperately dehydrated
V. dehydrated this morning. Walked 5 miles last night, more than expected; thought was going on 4.5ish mile walk. Realized as hit final .5 mile marker on trail that 4 miles from, er, well, not starting point, but from point at which I knew how many miles were involved, was only fractionally beyond said .5 mile marker, and, well, still had .5 miles to go. Plus had walked .5ish miles before arriving at point at which I knew how many miles it was between X and Y. Furthermore, then was…
Heather’s miles to Rivendell: 17.5 (so! close!) I didn’t walk last night. Instead, we went to see Bulletproof Monk, which was great fun. I love Chow Yun Fat. He’s just so cool.