Oh oh oh, Chantico did a funny thing last night! She was being a pain in the ass and bouncing around and getting in everybody’s face while we were sitting around talking after dinner, so I said to her, “Where’s your ball? If you get me your ball, I’ll put peanutbutter in it.” And she looked at me for a moment, and then she turned around and picked up her /bone/, which I /also/ put peanutbutter on, and gave /it/ to me! Funny, clever puppy! hee hee hee! Also, I…
Category: Uncategorized
Dinner turned out very well. The cake was very yummy. It was nice to see Mom and Dad. And I’m very tired. G’night!
Bah. My day has been all thrown off by daylight savings. I didn’t change my clock last night, so I got out of bed at 8:30, which felt a little late anyway, but once I got showered and all I realized it was now /ten/, not nine, and now everything feels all cramped and crowded. Grumble. I’m making corn beef & cabbage for dinner (we were going to make it at St. Patrick’s Day, but Mom made it then, so I’m making it now!) and this cake for dessert, and…
All right. I thought I might get more writing done today, but I’m not going to, so I’ll put down the day’s total at 2200 words and call it good. Ted and I went and spent some of his overtime money today. We bought a DVD/VCR combo because our VCR is failing and, er, we thought it would be nifty. O.O And Ted got a new computer game. Then we went and looked at guitars, but I have to give my guitar teacher a call and see if the kind…
writey writey write
Thank God for test readers. *laugh* I’ve been struggling with FOOL’S GOLD and the pacing of it–I want the story to take place over a year, and I’ve never written a book that takes place over that long a period of time, so I’ve been bogging down in the wrong sorts of details. And consequently getting really bored and tired with it, which is not a good sign. _But_. I just spent a few minutes talking with Silkie, who is one of the people who test reads (and makes mournful…