or not

Or maybe I won’t do any more writing after all. Or swimming, for that matter, because Ted’s stuck at work for the rest of his natural life, which is very sad. So I went on a 75 minute walk instead, and that was very nice. Lucy is sitting on top of my computer monitor glaaaaaring at me. Sheesh. Donno what I did to make her angry, but it musta been something! I got a package in the mail today from Angie. Angie is very, *very* silly. She sent me a…

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win some, lose some

Win some, lose some. I’ve gotten about 2500 words written so far today, but didn’t go swimming. The latter is ’cause Ted’s work exploded and so I was sort of stuck without a ride home, so I stayed home instead, and wrote. And I did, in fact, throw out all 500 words I wrote on Thursday, rewrote the end of ch. 3, and barreled on through ch. 4. I think I’m going to go read a book now, and if I’m extra and particularly cool, I’ll both swim and get…

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silly puppy

Chanti decided to climb in my lap a few minutes ago.


Mutter. Going to the chiro. Will still try to see a massage therapist tomorrow, maybe. Hungry right now. Thinking of working on HOUSE OF CARDS for a bit instead of FOOL’S GOLD, but that’s just because I’m grumpy with FG, and I haven’t even looked at it today. Reading Lawrence Watt-Evans’ DRAGON SOCIETY, though, and it’s making me think my start to HoC isn’t so bad. Fuss. Futher. Dither. Drivel. And it’s *snowing*. And *sticking*. After no snow all winter, NOW it snows? Dammit! I want to go BIKING!


Hn. 500 words tonight, but I think they all suck. Nobel Peace Prize day. I’ll keep them til tomorrow and look at them again then, but I think I went about opening this chapter the wrong way and that I’m going to have to delete them all, creating a plethora of anti-words, and start over again. Hnf.