
Sort of low key exercise this morning. I did my situps and pushups and leg lifts, but when I went to do my jumping rope, I tripped over the rope 4 times in the first 10 jumps and got grumpy and quit. It is still very, *very* windy out. Our thermometer says it’s 10 below, and there are 30mph winds. The inside-the-house thermostat has been turned up to 79, and the actual temperature is residing at 69. :/ Although maybe that’ll even up now that two of the bedroom doors…

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oh my gawd

Oh my gawd. New UK X2 movie posters. Slobber. Drool. Whimper. Oh my gawd. STARVING.


Hey, the Left Coast Crime Conference is in Monterey next year. Wonder if I could swing going to that. That’d be cool. There were other things I was going to mention when I started this entry, but that was before lunch and now I’ve forgotten what I was going to say. :)

day two!

Day two of actually getting up and exercising. Yay me! I also figured out why my right index finger knuckle was bruised yesterday. The jumprope has metal um rope attachment to the handle thingies, and when I miss a jump (which I do often) the way I hold the jumprope makes the metal rop attachment to the handle thingies smack into my knuckles. It appears that it only smacks on one side, so I expect that today I’ll have bruises on my left index finger knuckle, which is where I…

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better writeup!

Jai has a much better writeup of our Saturday road trip than I wrote. :)