Wow. I popped my upper back a little bit ago, and I seem to have gotten rid of the last of my spasmy stiff neck. YAY! Pain-free turning of my head! YAY! Pain-free nodding of my head! YAY! I think, however, that I won’t swim tonight, just to give it a couple more days to heal up. Maybe Wednesday I’ll be able to swim! *hopeful look*
Category: Uncategorized
Via Teresa Nielsen Hayden, photos of the worldwide protests against war in Iraq. The sheer number of bodies in some of these photographs is just staggering. On a completely unrelated note, Lucy is sitting on top of my computer, hiccuping. *snicker*
oh yeah
Oh yeah. Deirdre called this evening to get a receipe (and to report that Breic was being *particularly* cute and charming) and asked how I was doing and I said well, I wasn’t having much life, with all the writing, and she said, “Well, at least you’re having an active fantasy life!” Then she said, “Hrm.” *giggle*
*no* wordcount!
Not so much with the wordcount today; I decided I needed a break. So instead I wrote 1160 words, then went to the store and then we went to Bosco’s and Best Buy where I decided not to buy season 1 Stargate right now and then we wandered around the mall for as long as we could stand to have fun (not very) and then we came back home where it was determined that we were really sleepy, so we took a nap, which confused the hell out of Chantico…
more with the words
Sorry for the astoundingly dull updates the last few days. My life has become all about the wordcount. Today’s the last day of 50K in 30 days. I’ve written 60,330 words on a single project since January 23rd. The sort of weird thing is that’s only an average of 2000 words a day, which doesn’t seem like /that/ much. Then again, I’ve written 25,000 of those words in the last five days. Imagine if I did that every day! Okay, to do that every day I’d have to not have…