Who Could You Take in a Fight? I think I could take Sandra Bullock. I don’t know why. I don’t *want* to beat Sandra Bullock up. But I think I could!
Category: Uncategorized
a few words, anyway
1200 words today, which isn’t as many as I’d intended, but which is better than a kick in the teeth with a frozen mukluk. No exercising, which is … also better than a kick in the teeth with a frozen mukluk, now that you mention it. Oh yes, and two rejection letters in the mail today on Trapper’s Daughter. 50K in 30 days: 28,889 ytd wordcount: 47,500
ha cha cha!
Ha cha cha! (Yes, that’s my phrase for the week, or something.) Just got email back from Dail, the woman who runs the Jim Byrnes Fan Club, which she’s getting on its feet again. I said if she was interested I’d like to do a new design for the fan club site, and she responded positively! So maybe sometime soon here I’ll get the chance to design a fan club site! I’d *really* enjoy that. A *lot*! I swam hard enough last night that my legs are sore this morning.…
HAH. I have FINISHED the FRELLING synopsis. I hate synopses. They’re awful. I also finished chapter 11, which is not nearly so hateful. :) 50K in 30 days: 27,670 ytd wordcount: 46,300
oop. rejection.
Oop. Rejection letter from Kensington re: the Josie book. That was fast. 100% form letter, photocopied on greying paper, not even a pass at a signature or a name. Drat! 1 down, 11 to go. :) (On the positive side, it’s not a rejection letter from Davis/Panzer!)