Honestly, I have nothing *to* report this morning except a wordcount. 1945 words by 8:05am; I think I’m on to something with this early-morning writing thing. The house is quiet, no one but me and the dog are up, and the dog doesn’t disturb me much, especially if she’s got 1. water 2. a peanutbutter bone and 3. food. I anticipate finishing another chapter today, and hopefully finishing the rewrite of the preface-which-has-become-chapter-one of Manifest Destiny. But now to shower and then to *eat*, because I’m SO hungry! Thinks to…
Category: Uncategorized
i gymmed!
I gymmed! I even biked 4 miles! I’ll probably have bike butt tomorrow. :) It was a pretty good workout. Before that, unfortunately, I slipped on the ice and fell under the Jeep, whanging the hell out of my left knee, landing on my right butt cheek, and causing my back to crunch in several places. I will be very grateful to only have a bruised knee and butt tomorrow, and not a whanged-up back. I really, really don’t want a mucked up back. :/ Part of my brain thinks…
who’s your daddy!
Who’s your daddy! 3799 words written today, and I stopped at that number because 1. it amused me and 2. I’m at a good break point and I think if I continue I’ll be finishing this chapter, which will probably take another 1500 or more words, which is more than I feel like doing right now. I have other things I want to do tonight! Boy, I’m all buzzy and cheerful, though! Writing high! Cat exploded! Yeah! 50K in 30 days count: 12,844 ytd wordcount: 24,570 (25K so! close!)
Oot! I called Mark Fergueson, or however that’s spelled, the guitar guy, anyway, to say I didn’t have a guitar and so I thought I would have to cancel my lesson, and he said that The Music Man, which is one of the music shops in town, does rent-to-own guitars on a monthly basis and that it’s like $16/m to rent and $4 or something of that goes to ‘rent’ and $12 to ‘own’, which doesn’t suck at all. So maybe I’ll see if I can get over to The…
thinks to do
thinks to do today: 1. write 1700-3000 words 2. rewrite Josie synopsis 3. gym this evening Feeling very pleased with myself this morning. Got up at 6 and wrote for 90 minutes, accomplishing about 1350 words. I’m starving and in need of a shower now, but am generally pretty pleased with life.