Back from the gym, an hour hence. I had a nice swim, 2500 yards, and the two women in the lane with me were gratifyingly impressed with the sheer amount I swam. Thence to home, where Ted, surprisingly, was cooking dinner (I had expected him to be at aikido, but he is headachy), and so dinner (spaghetti! Yum!), and now I’m poking at the Josie synopsis, which is, quite reasonably, written entirely from a romantic angle (we wrote it as a romance), but which needs to be rewritten from a…
Category: Uncategorized
hot diggity dog!
Awwroight. I rawk. 1804 words today. I yam luvin’ the world! Although really, I should learn to only post once a day about wordcount, instead of updating every twelve minutes. :) Oh! I also took some pictures of the spiffy dishes! I’m really delighted with these dishes. *beam* Chipper, happy Kit! 5 out of the 8 things on my list accomplished! And I’ll go swimming later, and bring a book with me for reading after. Hah! *dancie dancie dance*! 50K in 30 days count: 10,370 (10K! YEAH! Go me!) ytd…
ha cha cha!
895 words before lunch. A mere 705 to go today. I am _very_ pleased with the chapter I just wrote. :)
I tell you, a little Quaker Oats package of oatmeal in the bottom of a 3 cup soup bowl looks preeeeettttty pathetic. *many giggles* Look! Several things on my thinks to do list already accomplished, and it’s not yet 9am!
thinks to do
Thinks to do today: 1. dry my hair. my head is cold. 2. finish the laundry 3. vacuum 4. write 1700-3000 words 5. EMPTY BATHROOM GARBAGE, darn it! 6. go to the pool and swim 7. read some 8. draw some