I have been remiss in mentioning that CAULDRON BORNE, Book 5 of the Walker Papers* is available for preorder and will be out in a few days!

*formerly WALKING DEAD, Book 4 of the Walker Papers! this whole renumbering thing is confusing enough without changing a book name, but I did anyway!

I actually had to re-read this one to write the back cover copy, because while I remembered the graveyard scene and the name of one of the characters who was murdered, that was almost literally everything I remembered about this book.

To my relief, it was really pretty good. :D I might have to re-read a few more of the Walker Papers as I go forward with these re-releases. :)

Freshly-minted shaman Joanne Walker was enjoying a moment of quiet in her usually-chaotic life—right up until vengeful ghosts possessed her partner-in-solving-mystical-crime, Detective Billy Holliday. With Billy’s life and soul on the line, Joanne is called to put herself between her friends, and the legendary Black Cauldron’s powers to waken the dead…

…which might be somewhat easier if she wasn’t terrified of the undead.

Holding herself together in the face of spectral horrors is one thing. Holding a new relationship together is another—and even Joanne’s barely-acknowledged thing with her boss, Captain Morrison, may not be able to withstand the overwhelming power of the Wild Hunt, unleashed once again on Halloween, as the walls between worlds grow thin. Faced with the tantalizing Horned God, leader of the Hunt, and a personal life that’s falling apart, Joanne realizes saving Billy may mean sacrificing a world—or finding a way to heal wounds so old that not even the gods recognize them as injuries anymore.

And just to add insult to injury, the insurance company is trying to avoid paying for damages to Joanne’s beloved Mustang, Petite. Between the mundane problems and the supernatural threats, it’s starting to feel like no one’s getting out of this alive….

Publisher’s Note: Cauldron Borne was originally published as Walking Dead, but the author always hated that title and has reverted it to her preferred title with the re-release of the series. The newly retitled edition contains the exact same story as the original book did.

CAULDRON BORNE is available for preorder at all good ebookstores near you!

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