irritated rant

IRRITATED RANT INCOMING I just got one of my trad publishers’ for-the-authors newsletter arrived and one of their topics is “how to grow your newsletter organically!” You know what the #1 best way to grow it would be? The NUMBER ONE BEST WAY to grow it would be for THE TRAD PUBLISHERS to let us put OUR NEWSLETTER LINKS into THEIR EBOOKS But they don’t want to do that. Not because it’s hard, because it isn’t: they could just put it into the About The Author at the end, or…

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critical for author websites – summary!

So I got about forty responses from my question a few weeks ago about what was critical to have on an author website, and the overwhelming response was that these, in more or less this order, are what readers are looking for: What’s New What’s Next ALL THE BOOKS Reading Order, particularly if that’s different from the publication order CURRENT! INFORMATION! Okay, so this was pretty interesting! I’m gonna go into some of these more, and then touch on some of the less-widely-asked-for-but-still-requested features! WHAT’S NEW – well, this is…

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what’s critical for author websites?

My friend and fellow writer Emma Newman is asking, over on Bluesky, “When you have been to an author’s website in the past, what have you been looking for? What info is critical for you?” I think this is a great question, and am always looking for the answers to it, myself. I streamlined my professional website ( significantly the last time I updated it, and it’s basically just What’s Out Now, What’s Out Next, and Here Are All My Books. There’s a contact form, but not a heckin’ lot…

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I’m positively THRILLED to show off the new cover for COYOTE DREAMS (now) book 4 of the Walker Papers! Watching these covers come to life has been a real joy, and I especially loved the original cover for COYOTE DREAMS, so seeing this one being so vibrant and perfect in a whole different way just makes me so very very happy. COYOTE DREAMS will be out in July 2024, so get your preorders in now! ♥ Joanne Walker has accepted her path as a shaman—but she’s lost her spirit guide…

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february progress report

Well, I came into February by finishing my last book (WEAR WOLF, available now!) a week early, so I took the next week off from formal book work and wrote a synopsis for something, sent that in to an editor, and did some further work on a different proposal. Halfway through the month, as noted before, I was struck by inspiration in the middle of the night, and now have about a thousand disconnected words on that project, which I am supposed to get 10 pages to 3 chapters written…

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