Don’t Quit Your Day Job, They Said…

Do you know what today is? Today is the TWENTIETH (20th) ANNIVERSARY* of me becoming a full-time writer! I did not, in fact, quit my day job; it quit me, and I never got another one. I have written…well, I’ve written 53 full length novels and collections now, something like 48 of which have been written since The Day Job Went Away. I’ve written a dozen novellas, and a ton of short stories, and…I literally couldn’t have done it without all of you. I also literally couldn’t have done it…

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Worldcon 77: The Sunday

I actually still have the event app on my phone so I can even REMEMBER what I was doing on these days. Sunday I had an interesting panel, “Fantasies of Irish emigration,” about why so much fantasy–especially urban fantasy–seems to get written ABOUT Ireland without much of it being set IN Ireland. I called out RF Long as somebody who’s written UF both in and about Ireland, and I think there were a couple others I could think of, but it was a really fun panel (and my friend Deirdre…

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Worldcon 77: The Friday

I remember what I did on Thursday for lunch! I had lunch with an editor! A couple years ago, at Worldcon 75, I got to go to the Hugo Loser’s Party, and I was going around taking pictures of the winners in their silly hats. A Tor editor who was following the party on Twitter asked if I could get a picture of her colleague who’d won, so I went and found the winner, asked if I could take and post her picture, and within about 10 minutes of the…

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an avalanche of ducks

I’ve had this to-do list for…ever. Forever. Very little of it is the fun kind of to-do, which for me is YAY WRITE A WHOLE NEW BOOK YAY THIS IS MY FAVOURITE PART. It’s all the other stuff. It’s edits and copyedits and guilting over unwritten short stories (I was going to really try to focus on writing…I was going to say ‘good’, but I write good enough short stories. But twisty, deep ones, perhaps. I want to add that to my skill set. So I was going to try…

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2016 in under the wire

A couple days ago my writer friend Tim Pratt said he couldn’t do his year-end round-up of what he’d written yet because he might still get that last short story finished. I was working on a comic script and felt similarly. I managed to get the script done, in fact, just now. It’s for my artist nephew whose birthday is tomorrow, and I genuinely don’t know if he’ll draw it, but I promised him I’d write him something and now I have, so mission accomplished. I got a huge amount…

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