inspiration has terrible timing

I was very tired last night, and had a HUGE amount to do today, so went to bed at a very sensible hour, ~10:30pm. I then utterly failed to sleep for 90+ minutes. Shortly after midnight, having tossed and turned and gotten up to pee and to make sure my son had done his Pokemon for the day so he wouldn’t lose the 20 day streak he was aiming for for a task, I finally thought I was comfortable and worn out enough to sleep. And the first line of…

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Today is the release day for DEATH BY IRISH WHISKEY! Do you know what’s special about this book? (Go on, guess, I’ll wait.) (No, I won’t, never mind, I’m impatient.) It is my FIFTIETH PUBLISHED NOVEL. FIFTY. PUBLISHED. NOVELS. That’s a lot! A LOT a lot! One of the two items I remember on my bucket list* that I wrote when I was about 17 was “have 50 books published by the time I’m 50.” I admit that in that scenario, I was thinking of book #50 coming out before…

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blog vs newsletter: fight!

The difference between the blog (this) and the newsletter (over here, and you should sign up for it if you haven’t bc…bc I said so… o.o): The blog is just that. It’s whatever’s on my mind today (or possibly last week, depending on whether I’ve scheduled a post ahead of time or not). Daily life, nothing necessarily news-oriented. It has movie and book reviews which, despite the name ‘picoreview’ for movies, can go on at some length, and it has me flailing about stuff, and, you know, good stuff like…

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The Blog and the Future

Right, so, I’m trying to reduce my dependency on billionaire-owned social media, which mean I’m trying to increase my blog footprint again. I used to be good at blogging, but somewhere along the way, with all the short-post social media (and its instantaneous feedback, let’s be real, that’s super nice), I got well out of the habit of blogging and also, more relevantly, got to where I started feeling like multiple blog posts in a day (which I used to do all the time!) were…obnoxious. Bothersome. Too Much for readers.…

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borking my websites

So apparently for the new year I’ve decided to bork my websites. Not a great plan, overall, IMHO, but here we are. And, well, okay, I didn’t actually bork this one; I updated it, and think I’m vaguely happy with the look and feel for the moment, but I mean, god knows. Anyway, it’s the professional site that’s currently broken, and not even in a way that makes it unusable, just a way that is…utterly baffling. It might be due to having updated the PHP. It might…not be. I don’t…

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