chef chu’s and good cheer!

wah! Somehow I just killed what I’d written! Wah!

What I’d written was fortunately short. :) One of my coworkers just came over to ask what I was doing, and in a fit of honesty, I said, “Writing down the books I’ve read this week.” There was a pile of 8 books at my elbow. He stared at them and at me, then said, “I’m just leaving now, ’cause I’ve been reading the same book for like the last month.” *laugh* I hadn’t meant to read quite that many books yet this week, but I accidentally read all the words in the Ethshar novel I brought with me on the train yesterday (I expected it to last longer!) and I read a book while I had dinner on Wednesday, so, well, oops. :)

Dinner last night was lots of fun! I had a Carl and a Starling and a Trip and an Angie and an Alix and an Air! And we ate a GREAT DEAL of food, including about 9 zillion crab cheese puffs, and then we went to have gelato and I got on the train and slurped it up and read part of the book I’d been forced to stop at Tower Books and buy, because the words in my other one had run out.

Then I got on the right bus but going the wrong direction and took a 90 minute ride around San Francisco before getting back to my hotel. *groan* I am very, very tired this morning.

But dinner! Dinner was fun! Carl *laugh* said he’s been sorting his comics, and he said, “You know the bit in Independence Day where you see the alien ships for the first time and everybody is staring up into the sky in complete horror, because it’s just so *big*? That’s what getting my whole collection out was like.” *laugh* I told him when he was done, he should come up to Alaska and sort Ted’s comics. :)

Angie hasn’t quite settled on a scholarly path, but is pretty sure she’s going towards environmental studies/preservation stuff, which is completely awesome. She’s thinking she’ll be going to school near Santa Cruz for a while, not that I can remember exactly where, and my goodness, her hair was perfect last night. Completely and utterly teal in this startlingly normal way. I don’t think I’d ever seen her hair look quite so much to me like it probably just *grew* that way. And! And she brought me birthday gifts, from a wonderful magnet with a quote that says, “Some people walk in the rain. Others just get wet,” which I liked a great deal, to a *ridiculous* pair of bright green frog socks which will desperately disturb Ted every time I wear them, and a lovely Marith scarf which is now adorning my hat, and a birthday card that says, “It’s okay to wake up laughing,” which I liked a lot. :) I have the coolest friends!

Starling looks woooonderful. Starling also seems to be laboring under the misapprehension that she’s a cat, given how much trilling and purripping she did. *giggle*

oh! oh! Skip is in! Yay! He’s one of the guys who got laid off last week and I didn’t think I’d see him. Oh, good, I’m glad he’s here, yay! Ok, now I’ve completely lost my train of thought, so I’m going to have to write more later. But last night was a lot of fun and I’m really really glad to have seen people. Thanks for coming to dinner with me, guys!

*laugh* Starling took the bill — actually, they gave us the wrong one to start with, and she and I were staring at it going, “Erm. How can it possibly be only $60?” And after a while we determined it was the wrong one and they brought us the right one, and Starling said, “Ok, everybody can either throw in a $20 or it’s $130/7.” And there was a sudden *flurry*, as four or five people at once threw twenties onto the table, which made us all laugh a whole lot. Yuppie food stamps! We couldn’t have done it that smoothly if we’d tried. :)

Ok, off to coffee now. :)

miles to Lothlorien: 7

5 thoughts on “chef chu’s and good cheer!

  1. W00t! We had dinner with a KIT! A real live KIT! W00t!

    I think Monterey was where Angie was looking at. (“Grammar”? What is this “grammar” you speak of, Earthling?)

  2. I’m not sure after the way that post was written if you *need* any coffee. :)

    But yay, there was a Kit. I enjoyed getting to see you. :)

  3. *laughs at Trip* Grammar is for the weak!

    *giggles at Alix, too* I didn’t actually have coffee on the coffee break, just breakfast. I don’t drink coffee. :)

  4. Wah, I am sad to not have been there! But representation by textiles is something. :)

  5. Roger Miller said that one, by the way. (About walking in the rain.) Now I’m all hungry for crab cheese puffs. I wonder if Milwaukee *has* ethnic food, and I’ve just never found it. (I have this thought often, when I think about the visits I’ve made to the Bay Area.)

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