dreams, elfquest and KU

I…am mostly staying off social media right now (blogging doesn’t count). I’m posting a little, mostly about the knitting I’m doing to keep myself off social media, and to a lesser degree, about the book coming out tomorrow. But I can barely cope with my own emotions, and am finding other peoples’ to be overwhelming. So. I blog and I write. And I knit, and whatever else comes to mind that isn’t doomscrolling.

I also have frickin’ weird dreams, one of which was discovering at a SFF con that I was BFFs with Meryl Streep, who was reading from a collection produced by attendees for the con & in which, to my surprise, I had a very well-received short story called “The.” It was, to me, obviously cribbed heavily from Stephen Mitchell’s translation of Rainer Maria Rilke’s unicorn sonnet, but apparently no one else noticed.

That was one of the least weird ones, but easiest to encapsulate.

I’m backing the soon-to-end Elfquest RPG Kickstarter, which is ridiculous because I have the original RPG and haven’t played it since about 1993, but the even more ridiculous part is that in the last hours of the Kickstarter I’m having a hard time keeping myself from leaping off the cliff of backing the much, MUCH more expensive, limited-edition-signed-print version of the Kickstarter. It might be one thing if I knew what the print was, but I don’t, so I wish my brain would stop going “BUT BUT BUT!!!!” about it.

Um. I’m taking the Walker Papers out of wide circulation and putting them into Kindle Unlimited this week. I have, and am always going to have, mixed feelings about this, and by ‘mixed feelings’ I mean ‘I hate it but I would also like to know if having them wide has been financially shooting myself in the foot all this time.’ I’m obviously going to have to figure out some way to do a bit of advertising to let people know they’re in KU, and I have…no real idea how to do that. I’m bad at this, guys.

Beyond that…I don’t know, guys. Be kind to yourselves. Be kind to those around you, but put on your own oxygen mask first.

I got nothin’ else right now, and I feel like what I’ve got isn’t enough, but…all I can really do is go write this silly, charming story and hope to lighten peoples’ hearts a little with it. Love you all. ♥

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