
Nobody else thought my last posting was funny, huh? Well, I did. Phtthhtbt. :)

Yesterday, I:

ripped out the icky sliding shower doors (with Mom’s help) cleaned the bathroom fixed a bug did three loads of laundry sanded two brackets for my shelves did two editing passes through HEART OF STONE walked 5 miles brought Ted out to dinner put up a new shower curtain! whew!

3 thoughts on “hmph

  1. BAHA! *I* thought it was funny. I just didn’t see it yesterday. I laughed out loud just now, though.

    And go go busy Kit!

  2. Hey, I thought it was funny, too! I started to reply something about elv..elf… has-been grammer, but decided I was outclassed. This, the eloquent reply on cheese instead =)

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