It’s as natural as artificial gets!

Wow. Except for checking my email last night to see if I had Angie’s cell phone number (I didn’t, wah!) I didn’t turn the computer on all weekend. Go me! Instead I, let’s see. Emily and I went to The Manchurian Candidate, which we enjoyed, then went out to dinner and had ice cream, which we also enjoyed. :) I came home and watched the rest of season 1 Dead Zone, 4 episodes or something (I skipped the one I knew I’d seen), because Ted was still off dipnetting with Dad (which is to say, they were dipnetting, not that Ted was using Dad as a dipnet) and I didn’t have anything else to do. They eventually returned, having spent 12 hours driving and 6 hours fishing and some significant amount of money, all in order to catch salmon.

Three salmon, to be exact. :)

But! they said. We’ve learned a lot! And we’ll go again this weekend, except to Chitna instead of Kenai, and they will catch many fish! Hopefully they’re right! :)

To make up for the small amount of fish caught, Dad and I picked LOTS of berries this weekend. A little under two gallons of blueberries (wow! the blueberries, they are many! And they are large! And they are wonderful!), and we went over to Shannon-from-the-mailing-list’s house, because she’d sent email explaining how they were overrun with raspberries and if anybody wanted to pick some raspberries they’d be most welcome to come over and do that. So we did, and we picked a gallon of raspberries, too. We kept saying, “Thank you for letting us come pick raspberries!” and they kept saying, “Thank you for coming to PICK raspberries!” Shannon said she’d been telling people to come over every other day, and one of her coworkers said maybe he’d come over this weekend, and she said, “Mm, no, I’m already booked for Saturday, and I’ve got an appointment on Monday, too. How’s Wednesday?” *laugh* Raspberry appointments! And we told her that if they needed rescuing from the raspberries again, to just send me an email to let me know, and we’d be *glad* to come rescue them again! :)

Saturday Ted was too tired from fishing to game, so he canceled gaming and we collected Emily and went to see Catwoman, which was every bit as bad as we expected it to be. There were a handful of decent moments, which made Ted say, after the movie, “You can tell that there was a good script there, once.” And Emily and I said, “A long, long time ago.” :) Wow, it was awful. It wasn’t Halle Berry’s fault, though. At least, not unless she orchestrated the changes that happened to the script, which I doubt she did. But given the general awfulness of the script and story, she was actually probably as good as she possibly could be. She had some really nice physical stuff, especially.

Yesterday morning I made a pie with some of the raspberries. It turned out to be a Very Tart Pie Indeed, because I doubled the # of raspberries due to the size of the pie plate, but I simply did not remember to double the sugar. *pucker face!* However, with lots of ice cream it was fine, and Ted and Shaun liked it a lot, which surprised Ted, because he’s not that keen on raspberries. I knew Shaun would like it, ’cause he likes violently flavored things.

*pucker face!*

Oh, and I did stop by the house around the corner to ask if I could pick their raspberries, and they said they’d been picking and picking and picking them, but they just kept coming back, and that I could pick some as long as I didn’t take too many. So I shall!

And we had dinner at Mom & Dad’s (some of that hard-won salmon! And it was very yummy!) last night, which was v. nice, and I made the pithy statement, “It’s as natural as artificial gets,” which was funny enough on its own, but my brain disengaged halfway through the sentence without notifying my mouth, and I ended up sitting there with this utterly perplexed look and asking, “What did I just say?” and completely meaning it. I had no idea what’d come out of my mouth, but I was pretty sure it hadn’t made a lot of sense. :)

I neither wrote nor walked worth mentioning this weekend.

5 thoughts on “It’s as natural as artificial gets!

  1. I FOUND IT!

    English Bay is also known as the Native Village of Nanwalek…

    And the dialect is actually Sugtestun “a dialect similar to Yu’pik”… (According to the city’s website.)

    I’m not crazy! :)

    Well, okay, maybe I am, but not about this particular thought! :)

    Is that anywhere near where you are?

    (oh, and if this total non sequitor needs explaining, it’s in regards to that changeling character of mine we were discussing at the conference…)


  2. It’s been an excellent year for blueberries so far. Very impressive.

    The strawberries have even been decent.

  3. Jess: huh! I still think it sounds like an east coast tribe name!

    I know where it is–I grew up on the Kenai Peninsula–but I’ve never been near there. Bear in mind the Kenai Peninsula is larger than Pennsylvania. :)

    And I didn’t need the explanation. I knew right away what you were talking about. :) Well, cool! :)

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