Oh. I wanted to say…

Oh. I wanted to say this.

I have a whole lot of friends who are writers. Some of them are working on their first novels, some of them are short-story writers, some are just starting the scary scary process of submitting to agents and publishers, some haven’t gotten that far yet. I have at least one friend who is a multi-published, best-selling author. The writers I know run the gamut.

And I think it is just so incredibly cool that I know all of you. That I get to be one of you. That I get to read what you write and see how you develop as a writer and that I get to sit back and wail because you write things and ways that I wouldn’t or couldn’t and I envy and admire your skills. I know a lot of wonderfully talented people–not necessarily writers, but in general–and I’m very, very glad to count you among my friends.

That’s all. :)

5 thoughts on “Oh. I wanted to say…

  1. Awwwwww! It’s very definitely mutual, babe!

    I should found the Writers Who Were in the Willowholt club, or something. ;D There’s at least four of us!

  2. I will arrogantly go all pink and assume I am included in the above grouping. :) *hugs* One of the best things to come out of mudding, my dear, is a long standing friendship with you. :)

  3. In fact, you four are all among the specific writers I was thinking of, as well as some other people. *snugs to everybody* :)

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