omg. SO much better.

omg. went to the chiro. SO much better now. *tud*

Also: Ted went and bought a spiffy new vacuum cleaner. It is like a miracle. Tomorrow we’re going to move all the furniture out into the garage and scourge the carpets. Maybe we’ll buy a hardwood floor NEXT year! :)

And oh, wow! I’m making Stella a new site design, and she’s sent me some truly *gorgeous* bead necklaces that she’s made in payment. Wow, they’re *so* pretty! I should take pictures of them! There’s earrings to match one of the necklaces, and another set of earrings which aren’t matchy but which are also lovely, and *wow*. I knew she was sending me stuff but I didn’t know it was going to be this *gorgeous*! What *cool* friends I have!

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