Oi. Did another 100 pages of editing tonight, which went okay, except it’s very weird. I have very little sense of this book, right now. I haven’t read it in a long time and I know things happen in it, but I don’t really know *when* many of them happen. Once I’m done with this edit/read-through I’m going to have to go through it again, to make sure I really do know where to add things in and stuff, and then I’m going to start revising. So far there’s only…
post diet plan
Here’s a picture of my post-diet plan goal. :)
in other news
In completely other news: Online registration is now available for Writer’s Weekend 2004! We’re down to only a handful of slots, so if you want to attend this year’s conference, get your butt over there and sign up! My tongue still hurts like a son of a bitch and I wish there was a way to prevent cereal from being crushed at the bottom of cereal boxes. And both last and least, my Rogue stripe is developing nicely: Can’t wait to knock off these 5 pounds and re-bleach it. :)…
honor your dead
Tami Silicio, a Kuwait-based military contractor, got fired yesterday for a photograph of flag-draped coffins on their way back to the States that was published in Sunday’s Seattle Times. The story and the photograph are here. The Memory Hole, a site I’d never heard of until this morning (a site which is running very, *very* slowly indeed, for me at least) appealed to Dover AFB, where most of the US military bodies are processed, under the Freedom of Information Act, and was first denied but upon appeal granted 360 photos…
ow ow son of a *bitch* ow
Ow, god *damn* it. This canker sore on my tongue is in such a place that when I eat I find myself trying to cringe away from my own head, which, y’know, doesn’t work. It is in such a place that not just my tongue hurts, but also my throat and my inner ear hurt when I eat. God, this reallly *sucks*. On the positive side, I feel thin this morning. o.O