
VACAAAAATION! For the next 3 days I’m on vacation. These are some of the thinks I’m going to do: 1. go back through TQB and fix/add stuff 2. work on my shelves 3. vacuum the upstairs 4. read at LEAST four books 5. pick up dog poop (whee!) 6. read Iya & Not A Novel 7. finish ch 8 of TQB 8. email Karen’s cop contact 9. laundry 10. gym 3 times Uhhhmmmm. Yeah, that’s all the brain I’ve got this morning.

omg. SO much better.

omg. went to the chiro. SO much better now. *tud* Also: Ted went and bought a spiffy new vacuum cleaner. It is like a miracle. Tomorrow we’re going to move all the furniture out into the garage and scourge the carpets. Maybe we’ll buy a hardwood floor NEXT year! :) And oh, wow! I’m making Stella a new site design, and she’s sent me some truly *gorgeous* bead necklaces that she’s made in payment. Wow, they’re *so* pretty! I should take pictures of them! There’s earrings to match one of…

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good lord

Good lord. Did I actually eat 6 brownies yesterday? *chubby cheeks*

biz biz biz

Let’s see. :) Went to my RWA meeting last night, which was lots of fun. It was Lani’s last meeting, snif. She’s moving to New York. Wah! So we had a potluck and talked about what was going on with all of us as writers and ate a lot and generally had a very fine time. I made bbq meatballs and brownies. Poor Trac…ey (I think that’s how she spells it) gave up chocolate for Lent, so she was gazing soulfully at the brownies and thinking, “It’s not *really* chocolate.…

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Well! *That’s* better! I was feeling quite moopish about my last design. It was dull. This is better. :)