birthday meme

Not that it’s anything like my birthday, but ebear started a Birthday Meme and I thought it was cool, so I’m stealing it. :) Interesting people with whom I share my birthday: Marilyn Monroe, Superman, Morgan Freeman, Brigham Young Interesting people who died on my birthday: Helen Keller, DeForest Kelley, Pope Gregory XVI, President James Buchanan Interesting things that happened on my birthday: 1495 – 1st written record of Scotch Whiskey appears in Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Friar John Cor is the distiller 1533 – Anne Boleyn crowned as queen…

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thinks to do

thinks to do today: 1. some laundry 2. make bread 3. eat some peaches 4. write 5. mail this stuff after shaun licks the envelopes (he’s weird) 6. finish newsletters (got 1 done, anyway) 7. set up members-only area on rwa site 8. clean kitty litter 9. eat breakfast

insert clever subject line here

Went to gym class tonight, which was good. It’s not that it’s a particularly exciting class or anything, but it does make a person go to the gym, at least. Especially is one is married to a full-time student who doesn’t skip classes. Without Ted I fear I would be much less attentive. Bad Kit. -.- Fortunately, I have Ted, and so I’m going to gym class. And sweating like a little piggy wig. Despite rampant baking failures, I feel like making cookies. This is partly because I have no…

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not a success

My cake was not a success. I kind of liked it, but Ted didn’t like it at all, and I probably won’t eat another piece. Oh well. It wasn’t a good baking week, I guess. I made Mother-I-Forgot cookies on Friday or something, and the butter was frozen so they cooked too long and were dry (Ted said, “They’re too dry.” My gut response to this–proving I am indeed my mother’s daughter–was, “Fine, make them yourself from now on.” (Mom once made Dad a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich. Dad said,…

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“It’s the one with the alien.”

It’s been a nice weekend. Christopher flaked again, no gaming (grr) and so I watched my Highlander episodes for the week (AUGH. I ended on the ep Tessa DIED in, which I’d never SEEN, and AUGH. *AUGH*!) and we watched some more Stargate. *laugh* We just started watching season 6, and we’d watched the first three eps and the fourth is called “Frozen”. Ted and Shaun said, “Which one’s that one?” and really without meaning to be a smartass at all, I said, “It’s the one with the alien.” Shaun…

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