Hey, Ellen, check this out. More bookmarky goodness. (I’m figuring you’ll see my webpage before you see email.)
v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y
I’ll be glad when I’m done with this scene, because it is going v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. It’s not going *badly*, just very slowly, so I only got 750 words or so written this morning. I’ll get the rest of the quota done this afternoon. Before gym class. Or maybe after. o.o In other news… HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!!!! ytd wordcount: 94,400
hungry, headachy, writey
Noooo gaming last night after all. Christopher didn’t show up for some reason, and since he’s the wizard and since our thief is an NPC right now we figured eh, we might as well just hang out and talk and not game, then. So we had a good time doing that, even if it wasn’t gaming. Woke up with a headache this morning and it hasn’t gone away yet, despite taking aspirin. Snivel. Possibly staring at the computer screen for a couple of hours while I v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y w-r-o-t-e 1-5-0-0…
I got my cooooooontraaaaaaaaact! YAAAAAAY!
and once more…
And once more I have delved into the weird mental state where reading is harder than writing. I stood in front of my 100+ book To Be Read shelves and stared for a while, and then I went back to Little and wrote another 1500 words because it was easier, much, *much* easier, than trying to commit myself psychologically to the reading process. When I needed a break I got up and wandered around and stared at the books some more and thought something to the effect of, shit, am…