the interview meme

The interview meme. I did this once on LJ, but since I’ve stopped using my LJ, I’ll re-post everything, including the rules, here. Questions from Deborah are behind the cut tag somewhere down there. Stupid MT layout doesn’t let you open and close cut tags as tidily as LJ does. :P And, the rules: 1 – Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed. 2 – I will respond; I’ll ask you five questions. 3 – You’ll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers. 4…

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dented & cool old ladies!

I am dented. My goodness, but the hygenist was a talker. I also got to talk to an extremely cool old lady! Her name is Evelyn, and she moved up here with her family in 1949. Her husband was a carpenter and somebody told him if he came up here, he’d have a job, and Evelyn thought they should do it, but he just didn’t know how they could afford to. So one day at lunch he was talking to a friend of his, an older man, about this job…

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stuck, unstuck

I had this bit in this chapter that wasn’t going well, and I got through it and whilst getting through it had a Small Revelation about how it ended and stuff and now, darnit, I have to do daytime hours work instead of writing work. Fnrt! Dentist appointment this afternoon. ytd wordcount: 47,600

my agent is so cool. :)

My agent is so cool. *laugh* Besides being an Agent Extraordinaire, she’s also a cook. A couple of days ago, I printed out one of her recipes from her food blog. I have the recipe sitting on my desk. Ted just wandered by and read the site name — The Spice Must Flow — out loud. Not until he read it out loud did I realize it was a phrase to be recognized, and recognize it. It actually made me laugh out loud. I have *such* a cool agent. *laugh*!…

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other people, on writing

There’ve been a lot of good posts the last couple weeks about writing. I’ve been meaning to link to some of them, so now I am. Neil Gaiman on, well, on writing. Teresa Nielsen Hayden on why rejection isn’t personal. Peg Kerr on just how wretched copy editing really is. That’s all, for right now.