
Huh. It appears upgrading MT was nice and easy. Yay!

puppies & writing

Chanti was much better at obedience class last night. This week I need to spend several minutes a day walking her through the house, on her leash, with a peanutbutterspoon in front of her nose, in order to get the ‘heel’ idea into her little puppy head. She did *not* like going through the long scary tunnel. In fact, she refused to. Poor puppy! So we’ll work on that, too. I really wanted to work on TQB some yesterday (my unexpected 2700 word chapter was on TB), so after we…

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Thud! I sat down to do a little writing, and somehow produced an entire 2700 word chapter in 90 minutes. That’s four thousand words for the day! And I dropped the original chapter 13 into the new chapter TWENTY-THREE, which sets up the last bit of stuff that I need set up in this book. *cracks knuckles* It’s all downhill from here! ytd wordcount: 33,550

one more for the road

interview questions from , 1. When, if ever, did you first talk with one of your parents as a friend? I honestly don’t remember ever *not* talking to my parents as friends, except, y’know, when I was pissed off at them. But my parents are insanely cool, and I’ve always gotten along with them very very well. 2. Serial comma, threat or menace? (No, really.) Oh, god. Both! Menace. They creep up on me even when I’m trying to watch for them! 3. What author first inspired you to become…

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All Hail the Nose!

Oh, that was wonderful. That was beautiful. Laura Anne Gilman, who is another Luna author (among other things), has a Methos icon on her livejournal. I saw it and posted, “You have a Methos icon. I love you.” She responded: Is it not a thing of beauty? All Hail the Nose! *SHRIEKS OF LAUGHTER* Yes! Yes! All Hail the Nose! There’s someone else out there who *understands*! I ought to ask her what she thinks of Adrian Brody… *laugh*! Oh, that made my morning. *beam* In other news, I got…

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