
Silkie is an excellent research assistant. *laugh* Thanks, Silkie. :) Dithering about whether or not I want to take a 6 week life drawing class over at Blaine’s, the local art shop. It might be fun! Or I might lame on it and stop going after a couple weeks. Dither dither. What do my gentle readers think? :) I was going to say something else, but I’ve forgotten what. In fact, the bit about the drawing class was going to be secondary to the other thing. Hrm. Oh well!


Apparently I shoulda gotten up to write this morning, as I just noticed I’m 1300 words away from 30K. But, well, I didn’t, and now I have a headache. *futzes around* Guess I’ll post this. Not much to report this morning. :)


Ok, so I went to the gym anyway. And the weight room was closed! But I had 100 minutes or so before Ted was due to come pick me up! So I walked! And then Dad arrived! So we walked! And we discovered (well, it was a discovery to ME; Dad knew about them) MORE HALLS for walking! So now my circuit is 1.25 miles instead of .8 miles! So I walked 4.5 miles! My feet hurt! And I wrote 450 words on TQB. Go me! ytd wordcount: 28,700 miles…

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psychological warfare

~o Every single night, the same arrangement I go out and fight the fight o~ I’m supposed to go to the gym tonight. The prospect fills me with doom and gloom. Not for any sensible reason, because I know I’ll feel better after going, but *whiiiiiiiine*. I don’t *waaaaant* to. And it’s really tiresome to go through this same mental process every time I think about going to the gym. I donno how to reboot it, though. It’s not quite as bad when I get into the habit, which I’m…

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Duh. I remembered at about 12:30 that Ted had said he had a meeting today, although he hadn’t said what time it was. I stopped waiting for him to come home so I could have lunch with him, and just nuked some potato chowder. Which is still *extremely* good. And I had a couple cookies for dessert. So *there*.