Man, it’s beautiful out. Ten below, but beautiful. Sat down to write this morning (finally), and thought, “Hm, maybe this is the place to start working in some of the already-written stuff,” and so I opened up the original ch. 15, which is where I thought the stuff I needed was. Nope. Okay, so I opened up the original 16. Nope. Hm. Opened up the original 14, although gosh, I thought I only had stuff from 15 and 16 to amalgamate. Hm. Not there either. *13*. I had to go…
Okay, that’s better. Got my hundred and ninety eight pages printed out, read (edited some), and got my timeline straight. I now know I’m on day four and I believe I have three days left. I hope Jo gets a chance to sleep: writing about her when she’s this tired makes me yawn a lot. :) Furthermore, re-reading has allowed me to remember some things I need to pick up in the next several chapters, so that’s also good. And boy. I’ve done huge amounts of re/new-writing, and as I…
Sheesh. Take a couple days off from writing and look what happens. You lose total control over how many days have passed in your book. Actually, I was on the verge of doing that anyway–I’ve rewritten so much that I no longer know exactly when things are happening in relation to one another–and so I sat down, wrote about twelve words, then went ‘shit, is it time for this yet, or should that be tomorrow?’ So I thought I’d better read it. And, well, reading is easier done on paper…
more irs woes
So we got another notification from the IRS a week or two ago, which said, in essence, “Oops, yeah, we screwed up, and we’ve looked at your numbers again and now we think you owe five hundred dollars instead of 900.” Garrghgh. So Mom and I (mostly Mom) went over the numbers forty-eight times, and concluded that the IRS screwed up *again*. Small failure on our part; we hadn’t written the taxes withheld on Ted’s prematurely withdrawn 401K on the right line, although it was included in our taxable income…
Seepy me. Maybe I’ll wake up a bit now that I’ve had some fud. I decided to take yesterday off from writing. *gasp* And I didn’t get up early this morning to write, either, but I’ll write during lunch. That’s the plan, anyhoo. Oh, and I need to call the chiro because I think I could do with one more tune-up. Ted is having a sneezing frenzy, and it’s -4 outside. Those two things aren’t related, but neither of them are particularly pleasant. Although the sneezing frenzy is a lot…