I had great aspirations of getting 1400 words written on TQB this evening, which would 1. put me at 5k for the chapter and 2. put me at 13k for the year, overall. I didn’t make it ’cause it turned out the chicken was still frozen and so we went out to eat, but I /did/ get the 1000 words that’s my so-called quota done on it. It occurs to me at this moment that perhaps I should be aiming for 1500 words a day on TB, as the primary…
Borrowed from . Suggest to me: 1. A movie. 2. A book. 3. A musical artist, song, or album. 4. An LJ user not on my friends list. 5. Something to do in the next two months.
WOO!!!! Jennifer Jackson requested a partial manuscript from Sarah! YAAAAY SARAH! YAAAAAAAAAY! *dancie dancie dance*!
I have fetched a pitcher, filled it with water, and gotten myself a coffee mug. Now to use these three things in conjunction. My damned shoulder hurts this morning. All the way down through my pinky. :P Maybe the water will help some, since the aspirin doesn’t seem to have. Thinks to do today: call dance studios, don’t eat too much.
Smug me. Blew through 1150 words in 45 minutes this morning. Finished the rewrite of ch. 15. I think I’ve completely rewritten, let’s see. At least 4 chapters now. 14-15 are entirely new, so is 9, more than half of 13 is new, chunks of 12 are new. I was thinking that ch. 16 might be partly old and partly new, but now I’m thinking again. I might not get to re-amalgamating the original 15 and 16 until maybe as late as 18 or 19. Ch. 16 is unlikely to…