
Hooray for Garrett! And my agent has a livejournal! The internet is being quite hateful today. *claws through it*


I left Jennifer Jackson email last night saying I’d be up and functional around 10:30am her time if she wanted to give me a call. She did, and we talked for an hour, so now I know lots and *lots* of things. They don’t charge mailing fees, they do take the payments directly from the publisher and then cut the author a check, which contractually is done within 10 business days although she said Christmas always goofs things up. The only time, though, she said, that checks don’t get cut…

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I left Jennifer Jackson email last night saying I’d be up and functional around 10:30am her time if she wanted to give me a call. She did, and we talked for an hour, so now I know lots and *lots* of things. They don’t charge mailing fees, they do take the payments directly from the publisher and then cut the author a check, which contractually is done within 10 business days although she said Christmas always goofs things up. The only time, though, she said, that checks don’t get cut…

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such a geek :)

You will either get this, or you will not. :) I got my Salvador Larroca X-Women lithograph today (it came in an *entirely* unnecessarily large tube!) and this evening we went over to the art gallery to get it framed. It took quite a while to decide on the framing, because lots of colors, very vibrant, and we had a mat we liked a lot that we couldn’t find a frame to go with, so after a while we switched mats… …and because we are Great Big Geeks, we ended…

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this makes me happy!

You are Spider Jerusalem. Spider is THE journalist of the future. He smokes,he does drugs, and he kicks ass. The drugs aregoing to eventually kill him but not before hegets his way. And his way is the demise of thefailed American dream. Although full of hate,he cares about his city. All he wants to bringthe world is truth. Spider Jerusalem,conscience of the City. Frightening thought,but he’s the only one we’ve got. What Gritty No Nonsense Comic Book Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla