So this is what Today Hath Wrought: Two of the three agents I’ve contacted offered me representation. The third, who is my first choice, hasn’t yet gotten back in contact with me, and given that it’s now after 7pm on the East Coast, I’m assuming it’ll be tomorrow before she does. Given, though, the 4 hour time difference, I’ll give it all until noon my time tomorrow before a decision gets made. I hope I hear from her before then. If not, I was very pleased with both the other…
poor ted
Poor Ted is ill. Poor honey. He’s got an awful cold and is snorfling around miserably. Well, right now he’s in bed, but when he’s not, he’s snorfling around miserably. I, meantime, am still largely useless. :)
Whew! Okay! I have talked to Mary-Theresa, and this is what I now know: It’s looking like mid-2005 for URBAN SHAMAN’s publication. It could be a little earlier, could be a little later, but probably somewhere in the July-September range. Then the manuscripts for the second and third books will be due somewhere around March and December of 2005. I ought to get a revision letter for US around Christmas time, so it’s not looming over my head or anything; she’ll want the revisions for US around June, so yeah,…
Whew! Okay! I have talked to Mary-Theresa, and this is what I now know: It’s looking like mid-2005 for URBAN SHAMAN’s publication. It could be a little earlier, could be a little later, but probably somewhere in the July-September range. Then the manuscripts for the second and third books will be due somewhere around March and December of 2005. I ought to get a revision letter for US around Christmas time, so it’s not looming over my head or anything; she’ll want the revisions for US around June, so yeah,…
bib bib bib
*frantic running around* I haven’t heard from Luna yet today. However, I *have* heard from all three agents I contacted this morning. One is the afore-mentioned Jennifer Jackson, to whom I am sending the S&3 and we’ll talk more tomorrow after she reads it. She’s calling Matrice to tell her that she’s looking at the book proposal. This is okay with me, because she’s my first choice as an agent. Two is Michelle Grajkowski, who is the agent who currently has RIGHT ANGLES TO FAERYLAND. I’m going to talk to…