
Edvard Munch’s Scream: My Scream: Hee hee hee. :)


Blah. I think I came down with a cold in the middle of last night. I will be taking a lot of vitamin c, I guess. So I’m sort of tired and out of sorts today. As opposed to every other day the last two weeks, or something. Ted and I watched Maid in Manhattan last night, and it was much cuter than I expected. NNWM starts tomorrow. Gah. miles to Rivendell: 305


This is ‘s fault. Lion King! What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by Quizilla (Amusingly, I was listening to the Lion King soundtrack while taking this quiz.)


Got my PFD! Also, found the checkbook! It spent a couple of days living under a cushion in a chair at Title Wave. Oops. Also cashed my ILL-GOTTEN GAINS, er, rather, my money order contest prize. I have *almost* enough money to buy a guitar now! *counts money* Actually, I have enough, but then I would have No Money At All to spend this week, so it’ll have to wait another week or two. :)

oh my god

Oh my God. There’s another Alaskan NaNoWriMoer out there who is not just from Kenai, but who also is sporting striped hair. Check her out! Oh my God! [edit:] I *KNOW* her! We went to high school together! Good *Lord*!